

loop variable in laravel

Property			Description
$loop->index		The index of the current loop iteration (starts at 0).
$loop->iteration	The current loop iteration (starts at 1).
$loop->remaining	The iterations remaining in the loop.
$loop->count		The total number of items in the array being iterated.
$loop->first		Whether this is the first iteration through the loop.
$loop->last			Whether this is the last iteration through the loop.
$loop->even			Whether this is an even iteration through the loop.
$loop->odd			Whether this is an odd iteration through the loop.
$loop->depth		The nesting level of the current loop.
$loop->parent		When in a nested loop, the parent's loop variable.

laravel loop variable

@foreach($listdata as $data)
	// normal iteration
		{{ $data->iteration() }}

	// if you using "paginate()" in your query, better use this iteration per-page below:
		// for example:
			// page 1 iteration = 1,2,3,4,5 ascending, 5,4,3,2,1 descending
			// and page 2 iteration will be = 6,7,8,9,10 ascending, 10,9,8,7,6 descending

        // iteration ascending (1,2,3,...)
            {{ $data->firstItem() + $loop->index }}

        // iteration descending (...,3,2,1)
            {{ ($data->total()-$loop->index) - (($data->currentpage()-1) * $data->perpage()) }}

Code Example
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Php :: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array 
Php :: InvalidArgumentException Unknown format "sentence" 
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Php :: laravel descending order paginate eloquent 
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Php :: php see if undefined 
Php :: show selected value in dropdown laravel 
Source link
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