#create model
php artisan make:model Model_Name
#create model with migration
php artisan make:model Model_Name -m
#create model with migration and controller
php artisan make:model Model_Name -mcr
//to create migration file in PHP use the artisan command "make"
php artisan make:migration create_users_table
// migration file must follow the naming convention "operation_tableName_table"
//Migration file to add column naming convention would be "add_tablename_table"
php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create=users
php artisan make:migration add_votes_to_users_table --table=users
To Generate Laravel Migrations from an existing database.
Use the following package.
php artisan make:Model Product -m -c --resource
php artisan make:model Employee -m
Simply put, Laravel migration is a way that allows you to create a table in your database, without actually going to the database manager such as phpmyadmin or sql lite or whatever your manager is
php artisan make:migration CreateCategoriesTable
composer require --dev "xethron/migrations-generator"
php artisan make:migration create_post_table