

Root composer.json requires php ^7.2.5 but your php version (8.0.3) does not satisfy that require

It's becouse in your project in composer.json file you have:

"require": {
    "php": ">=7.3",
Try to update this requirement to:

"require": {
    "php": "^7.3|^8.0",

- root composer.json requires php ^7.1.3 but your php version (8.0.3) does not satisfy that requirement.

It's becouse in your project in composer.json file you have:

"require": {
    "php": ">=7.3",
Try to update this requirement to:

"require": {
    "php": "^7.3|^8.0",

- root composer.json requires php ^7.2 but your php version (8.0.1) does not satisfy that requirement.

Your project using php7.2 version and composer installed with 8.0.1.
Update your composer with php 7.2 instead 8.0.1. problem will solve.

root composer.json requires php ^7.3 but your php version (8.0.3) does not satisfy that requirement.

  "license": "MIT",
    "require": {
        "php": "^7.3|^8.0",


root composer.json requires php ^7.1.3 but your php version (8.0.3) does not satisfy that requirement.

On Mac using Home Brew, you can switch php versions easily:
brew unlink php@8.0
brew link php@7.1

Or follow the upgrade path to get your app to support the newer php version

root composer.json requires php ^7.1.3 but your php version (8.0.1) does not satisfy that requirement.

for windows 
download php version you require
then in variable environment of windows, edit PATH key, find php and update path to your new php version(after extract)

for ubuntu/linux
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php7.1

then if in future you want to switch between your php versions, 
sudo update-alternatives --config php

Code Example
Php :: laravel db does not exists 
Php :: php get method name 
Php :: array push object php 
Php :: wordpress check if current page is front page 
Php :: localhost install new plugin ftp wp 
Php :: if is cart page woocommerce 
Php :: laravel assign active based on route name 
Php :: laravel check if eloquent just created 
Php :: encryption key has not encrypted laravel 
Php :: wordpress errors 
Php :: convert utc to local time phpAdd Answer 
Php :: if name value contains space in php 
Php :: php round all values in array 
Php :: wp safe redirect 
Php :: set character set utf8 in pdo php 
Php :: wordpress add class on navigation menu 
Php :: increament single column laravel current value + 1 
Php :: in_array in php 
Php :: laravel throw exception with status code 
Php :: laravel auth register false 
Php :: laravel jetstream livewire 
Php :: laravel carbon get month number 
Php :: check is domain php 
Php :: PHP array_sum() Function 
Php :: ubuntu php7.4-curl : Depends: libcurl3 (= 7.44.0) but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. 
Php :: Internal error: xmlSchemaXPathProcessHistory, The state object to be removed is not the first in the list. 
Php :: php url parse 
Php :: if is checkout page woocommerce 
Php :: php form detect if number has decimals 
Php :: php fwrite new line 
Source link
8+4 =