

wordpress query orderby name

query_posts( array( 
    'post_type'      => 'page',
    'posts_per_page' => -1,
    'orderby'        => 'title',
    'order'          => 'ASC'
) );

wordpress get order

// Get an instance of the WC_Order object (same as before)
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );

$order_id  = $order->get_id(); // Get the order ID
$parent_id = $order->get_parent_id(); // Get the parent order ID (for subscriptions…)

$user_id   = $order->get_user_id(); // Get the costumer ID
$user      = $order->get_user(); // Get the WP_User object

$order_status  = $order->get_status(); // Get the order status (see the conditional method has_status() below)
$currency      = $order->get_currency(); // Get the currency used  
$payment_method = $order->get_payment_method(); // Get the payment method ID
$payment_title = $order->get_payment_method_title(); // Get the payment method title
$date_created  = $order->get_date_created(); // Get date created (WC_DateTime object)
$date_modified = $order->get_date_modified(); // Get date modified (WC_DateTime object)

$billing_country = $order->get_billing_country(); // Customer billing country

// ... and so on ...

orderby wordpress options

// WP_Query orderby

orderby (string | array) – Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to ‘date (post_date)’. One or more options can be passed.
‘none‘ – No order (available since version 2.8).
‘ID‘ – Order by post id. Note the capitalization.
‘author‘ – Order by author.
‘title‘ – Order by title.
‘name‘ – Order by post name (post slug).
‘type‘ – Order by post type (available since version 4.0).
‘date‘ – Order by date.
‘modified‘ – Order by last modified date.
‘parent‘ – Order by post/page parent id.
‘rand‘ – Random order.
‘comment_count‘ – Order by number of comments (available since version 2.9).
‘relevance‘ – Order by search terms in the following order: First, whether the entire sentence is matched. Second, if all the search terms are within the titles. Third, if any of the search terms appear in the titles. And, fourth, if the full sentence appears in the contents.
‘menu_order‘ – Order by Page Order. Used most often for pages (Order field in the Edit Page Attributes box) and for attachments (the integer fields in the Insert / Upload Media Gallery dialog), but could be used for any post type with distinct ‘menu_order‘ values (they all default to 0).
‘meta_value‘ – Note that a ‘meta_key=keyname‘ must also be present in the query. Note also that the sorting will be alphabetical which is fine for strings (i.e. words), but can be unexpected for numbers (e.g. 1, 3, 34, 4, 56, 6, etc, rather than 1, 3, 4, 6, 34, 56 as you might naturally expect). Use ‘meta_value_num‘ instead for numeric values. You may also specify ‘meta_type‘ if you want to cast the meta value as a specific type. Possible values are ‘NUMERIC’, ‘BINARY’, ‘CHAR’, ‘DATE’, ‘DATETIME’, ‘DECIMAL’, ‘SIGNED’, ‘TIME’, ‘UNSIGNED’, same as in ‘$meta_query‘. When using ‘meta_type’ you can also use ‘meta_value_*’ accordingly. For example, when using DATETIME as ‘meta_type’ you can use ‘meta_value_datetime’ to define order structure.
‘meta_value_num‘ – Order by numeric meta value (available since version 2.8). Also note that a ‘meta_key=keyname‘ must also be present in the query. This value allows for numerical sorting as noted above in ‘meta_value‘.
‘post__in‘ – Preserve post ID order given in the post__in array (available since version 3.5). Note – the value of the order parameter does not change the resulting sort order.
‘post_name__in‘ – Preserve post slug order given in the ‘post_name__in’ array (available since Version 4.6). Note – the value of the order parameter does not change the resulting sort order.
‘post_parent__in‘ -Preserve post parent order given in the ‘post_parent__in’ array (available since Version 4.6). Note – the value of the order parameter does not change the resulting sort order.

Code Example
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Source link
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