

join two strings python

var1 = "Hello"
var2 = "World"
# join() method is used to combine the strings
print("".join([var1, var2]))
# join() method is used here to combine
# the string with a separator Space(" ")
var3 = " ".join([var1, var2])

python merge strings

my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
my_string = ','.join(my_list)
# Output = 'a,b,c,d'

combining strings in python

# concatenating strings just means combining strings together
# it is used to add one string to the end of another
# below are two exmaples of how concatenation can be used 
# to output 'Hello World':

# example 1:
hello_world = "Hello" + " World"

>>> Hello World

# example 2:
hello = "Hello"
print(hello + " World")

>>> Hello World

how to concatenate two strings in python

# use {}, where u want to place integer, or any other datatype.
# Use .formate at the end of string, 
# and finally place data variable in parentheses  
a = 123.1133
b = "Username"
c = True
print("a = {}".format(a))
print("b = {}".format(b))
print("c = {}".format(c))

concatenate string in python

# This code snippet takes a string input and append suffixes based on a number of conditions
# Condtion:
#    1 if the lenght of the string is grater than 3 characters and is not already
#       ended with "ing" then add suffix "ing"
#    2 else if the lenght of the string is grater than 3 then add suffix "ly"
# The code snippet can be improved to include more business conditions.

# input string.
s_word = input()

# suffix to add to the input string if the condition is met
# the condition is, the string length must be grater than 3
suffix1 = "ing"

# suffix to add to the input string when the condition is not met
suffix2 = "ly"

# Initialize result to the input string.
# The same input string will be retured if 
# None of the conditions are met.
result = s_word

# check if s_word is all letters
# you don't want to add "ing" or "ly" to string of numbers
if s_word.isalpha():

    # trim all leading or trailing spaces
    s_word = s_word.strip()

    #1 The string contains at least 3 characters/letters
    if len(s_word) >= 3:

        # Extract the last 3 character of the string
        str_end = s_word[-3:].lower()
        # Append suffix1 if the last 3 character of the string
        # do not already contains it
        if str_end != suffix1.lower():
            result = s_word+suffix1

        #2 Append suffix2 if the string already ends
        #  with suffix1
            result = s_word+suffix2


how to add two strings in python

two strings

Code Example
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