

install anaconda python 2.7 and 3.6

conda create --name py27python=2.7
conda create --name py36 python=3.6

anaconda python 3.6 download

As suggested here, with an installation of the last anaconda you can create an environment just like Cleb explained or downgrade python :

conda install python=3.6.0
With this second solution, you may encounter some incompatibility issues with other packages. I tested it myself and did not encounter any issue but I guess it depends on the packages you installed.

If you don't want to handle environments or face incompatibilities issues, you can download any Anaconda version here: For example, Anaconda3-5.1.0-XXX or Anaconda3-5.2.0-XXX provides python 3.6 (the suffix XXX depends on your OS).

To know which python is provided in an anaconda package, you can visit the Release notes page. It provides the updates for the all anaconda versions. Find yours and look for the line

python A.B.C -> X.Y.Z

where A.B.C is the previous version and X.Y.Z is the updated python version.

Code Example
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Python :: what is the weather today 
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Python :: No installed app with label 
Python :: How to get historical klines python binance 
Python :: python dataframe contains value 
Python :: convert to ascii 
Python :: append to list in dict python 
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Python :: close all tables python 
Python :: How to filter words that contain atleast 2 vowels from a series 
Python :: python remove item from a list 
Python :: required_fields = [] 
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Python :: python requests with authorisation token 
Python :: sklearn grid search cross validation show progress 
Python :: how to stop auto log writing by other function in python 
Python :: list comprehensions in python 
Python :: python submatrix 
Python :: python decomposition facteur premier 
Python :: how to print list without newline 
Python :: python - remove exta space in column 
Python :: python get timestamp 2020-04-23T12:00:00Z 
Python :: how to get max value and min values in entire dataframe 
Python :: Python3 boto3 put object to s3 
Python :: how to do tail recursion in python 
Python :: triplets in python 
Python :: git clone in python to tmp directory 
Python :: run a shell script from python 
Source link
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