

python get angle between two points

from math import atan2, degrees, radians

def get_angle(point_1, point_2): #These can also be four parameters instead of two arrays
    angle = atan_2(point_1[1] - point_2[1], point_1[0] - point_2[0])
    angle = degrees(angle)
    # OR
    angle = radians(angle)
    return angle

python calculate angle between two points

from shapely.geometry import Point
import numpy as np
import math

# Function that calculate angle un degre
def calculate_angle(point1, point2):
    angle = math.atan2(point2.y-point1.y, point2.x-point1.x)
    return (math.degrees(angle))

# Point creation (replace random generator by actual number)
point_1 = Point(np.random.random(), np.random.random())
point_2 = Point(np.random.random(), np.random.random())

print(calculate_angle(point_1, point_2))

calculate angle between 3 points python

from math import atan2, pi

def angle(A, B, C, /):
    Ax, Ay = A[0]-B[0], A[1]-B[1]
    Cx, Cy = C[0]-B[0], C[1]-B[1]
    a = atan2(Ay, Ax)
    c = atan2(Cy, Cx)
    if a < 0: a += pi*2
    if c < 0: c += pi*2
    return (pi*2 + c - a) if a > c else (c - a)

python how to get the angle between two points by only their x,y

def get_angle_between_two_points(point1,point2):

        angle = 360-math.atan2(point2[1]-point1[1],point2[0]-point1[0])*180/math.pi
        return angle

python get angle between two points

from math import atan2, degrees, radians

def get_angle(point_1, point_2): #These can also be four parameters instead of two arrays
    angle = atan_2(point_1[1] - point_2[1], point_1[0] - point_2[0])
    angle = degrees(angle)
    # OR
    angle = radians(angle)
    return angle

python calculate angle between two points

from shapely.geometry import Point
import numpy as np
import math

# Function that calculate angle un degre
def calculate_angle(point1, point2):
    angle = math.atan2(point2.y-point1.y, point2.x-point1.x)
    return (math.degrees(angle))

# Point creation (replace random generator by actual number)
point_1 = Point(np.random.random(), np.random.random())
point_2 = Point(np.random.random(), np.random.random())

print(calculate_angle(point_1, point_2))

calculate angle between 3 points python

from math import atan2, pi

def angle(A, B, C, /):
    Ax, Ay = A[0]-B[0], A[1]-B[1]
    Cx, Cy = C[0]-B[0], C[1]-B[1]
    a = atan2(Ay, Ax)
    c = atan2(Cy, Cx)
    if a < 0: a += pi*2
    if c < 0: c += pi*2
    return (pi*2 + c - a) if a > c else (c - a)

python how to get the angle between two points by only their x,y

def get_angle_between_two_points(point1,point2):

        angle = 360-math.atan2(point2[1]-point1[1],point2[0]-point1[0])*180/math.pi
        return angle

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