

Complete the function that accepts a string parameter, and reverses each word in the string. All spaces in the string should be retained. python

# Python code to Reverse each word
# of a Sentence individually
# Function to Reverse words
def reverseWordSentence(Sentence):
    # Splitting the Sentence into list of words.
    words = Sentence.split(" ")
    # Reversing each word and creating
    # a new list of words
    # List Comprehension Technique
    newWords = [word[::-1] for word in words]
    # Joining the new list of words
    # to for a new Sentence
    newSentence = " ".join(newWords)
    return newSentence
# Driver's Code 
Sentence = "GeeksforGeeks is good to learn"
# Calling the reverseWordSentence 
# Function to get the newSentence

Complete the function that accepts a string parameter, and reverses each word in the string. All spaces in the string should be retained.

# Complete the function that accepts a string parameter, and reverses each word in the string.
# All spaces in the string should be retained.

# Examples

# "This is an example!" ==> "sihT si na !elpmaxe"
# "double  spaces"      ==> "elbuod  secaps"

def reverse_words(text):
    return ' '.join([i[-1::-1] for i in text.split(" ")])

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