

python conditions

# How conditions work
if condition:
	# if condition met
	# code here
elif condition2: # (else if) checked if the first condition is false
  	# if condition2 met
    # code here
elif condition3: # elif can be chained
    # if condition3 met
	# code here
  	# if none of the conditions are met
    # code here

# example

if name == "bob": # ex. a == b (is a equal to b)
    print("the wifi password is 1234")
elif name == "jake": # if the first condition is not met python checks this one
    print("the secret formula is under the bed")

else: # if none of the conditions are met
    print("sorry i don't know who you are")

# Other Example
if age >= 18:
    print('You can go in')
    print('you cannot pass, you are underage')

conditional and in python

if 1 > 2 and 4 < 10:
    print("condition not met")

if 4 < 10 or 1 < 2:
    print("condition met")

python conditionals

a == b (is equal)
a != b (is not equal)
a < b (a is less than b)
a > b (a is greater than b)
a <= b (a is less than or equal to b)
a >= b (a is greater than or equal to b)

python conditions

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python conditional statement

num = 1

if num == 1:
   print("num is 1"))
elif num == 2:
   print("num is 2")
   print('invalid number')
# output num is 1

# if the conditional is true the left side of side the expression is resolved else the right side is resolved
print("num is 2") if num == 2 else print("num is 1")
# output num is 1

Code Example
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Source link
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