# input: 07:40:01PM
# output: 19:40:01
# First System:
def timeConversion(s):
period = s[-2:]
time = s[:-2]
hour = int(time[:2])
if period == 'PM' and hour < 12:
time = str(hour + 12) + time[2:]
if period == 'AM' and hour == 12:
time = '00' + time[2:]
return time
s = input()
# second code and use to module:
from datetime import*
def timeConversion(s):
return datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(s, "%I:%M:%S%p"), "%H:%M:%S")
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = input()
# 3rd code and not used module.
time = input() # time = input time.
sp = time.split(':') # sp = split the ":"
if 'PM' in sp[2]:
sp[0] = int(sp[0])+12
sp[2] = sp[2].rstrip('PM')
elif 'AM' in sp[2]:
sp[2] = sp[2].rstrip('AM')
if sp[0] == '12':
sp[0] = "0"
con_time = '' # con_time = convert time.
for i in range(2):
con_time += str(sp[i])+':'
con_time += sp[2]
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> m2 = '1:35 PM'
>>> in_time = datetime.strptime(m2, "%I:%M %p") #Converts string to 12 hour time format
>>> out_time = datetime.strftime(in_time, "%H:%M") #Converts 12 hour to 24 hour time format
>>> print(out_time)
import datetime
x = datetime.datetime.now()
print("Now Time = ",x.strftime("%H:%M:%S %p"))
print(x.strftime("Date = %d"))
print(x.strftime("Weekday = %A"))
print(x.strftime("Month = %B"))
print(x.strftime("Year = %Y"))
# There is more to know-
print("Time = ",x.strftime("%H:%M:%S %p"))
print("Full name Year = ",x.year)
print(x.strftime("Full name Month = %B"))
print(x.strftime("Full name Day = %A"))
print(x.strftime("Date of Month(01-31) = %d"))
print(x.strftime("Weekday, short version = %a"))
print(x.strftime("Weekday as a number(0-6) = %w"))
print(x.strftime("Month name short = %b"))
print(x.strftime("Month as number = %m"))
print(x.strftime("Short name Year = %y"))
print(x.strftime("Full Year name = %Y"))
print(x.strftime("Time Zone = %Z"))
print(x.strftime("Local Date = %x"))
print(x.strftime("Lacal Date time = %X"))
print(x.strftime("Local date and time = %c"))
# All Varsion Datetime System:
#A reference of all the legal format codes:
Directive: Description: Example:
%a --------- Weekday, short version --------- = Wed
%A --------- Weekday, full version --------- = Wednesday
%w --------- Weekday as a number 0-6, 0 is Sunday ------- = 3
%d --------- Day of month 01-31 --------- = 31
%b --------- Month name, short version --------- = Dec
%B --------- Month name, full version --------- = December
%m --------- Month as a number 01-12 --------- = 12
%y --------- Year, short version, without century --------- = 18
%Y --------- Year, full version --------- = 2018
%H --------- Hour 00-23 --------- = 17
%I --------- Hour 00-12 --------- = 05
%p --------- AM/PM --------- = PM
%M --------- Minute 00-59 --------- = 41
%S --------- Second 00-59 --------- = 08
%f --------- Microsecond 000000-999999 --------- = 548513
%z --------- UTC offset --------- = +0100
%Z --------- Timezone --------- = CST
%j --------- Day number of year 001-366 --------- = 365
%U --------- Week number of year, Sunday as the first day of week, 00-53--------- = 52
%W --------- Week number of year, Monday as the first day of week, 00-53 -------- = 52
%c --------- Local version of date and time --------- = Mon Dec 31 17:41:00 2018
%x --------- Local version of date --------- = 12/31/18
%X --------- Local version of time --------- = 17:41:00
%% --------- A % character --------- = %
%G --------- ISO 8601 year --------- = 2018
%u --------- ISO 8601 weekday (1-7) --------- = 1
%V --------- ISO 8601 weeknumber (01-53) --------- = 01