

Convertion of number into binary using NumPy binary_repr

# welcome to
# Python program explaining
# binary_repr() function

import numpy as np
num = 15

print ("Input number : ", num)

ans = np.binary_repr(num)
print ("binary representation of 15 : ", ans)

Convertion of an array into binary using NumPy binary_repr

# welcome to
# Python program explaining
# binary_repr() function
import numpy as np

arr = [12, -33 ]

print ("Input array : ", arr)

# binary representation of first array
# element without using width parameter
ans = np.binary_repr(arr[0])
print ("Binary representation of 12 Without using width parameter : ", ans)

# binary representation of first array
# element using width parameter
ans = np.binary_repr(arr[0], width = 7)
print ("Using width parameter: ", ans)

# binary representation of 2nd array
# element without using width parameter
ans = np.binary_repr(arr[1])
print ("Binary representation of -33 Without using width parameter : ", ans)

# binary representation of 2nd array
# element using width parameter
ans = np.binary_repr(arr[1], width = 7)
print ("Using width parameter : ", ans)

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Source link
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