//to create the virtual environment in windows
python -m venv env
// or
python3 -m venv env
//to activate virtual environment in windows
source env/Scripts/activate
//to disable virtual environment in windows
pip install virtualenv # install first
cd projectfolder # go to project folder
python -m venv ./venv # Create a virtual environment named venv
Activate.ps1 # (powershell) start the file to start the environment
activate.bat # (cmd) start the file to start the environment
# if it worked you'll see a (venv) in front of your cursor path
//create the virtual environment for Mac and Linux
python -m venv env
// or
python3 -m venv env
//activate virtual environment for Mac and Linux
source env/bin/activate
# to activate the virtual environment, type:
# into the terminal.
# If you get any error like "venv is not enabled on your computer", run your terminal as administrator and type:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# you will be prompted with a 'yes' or 'no' question, type "y" then hit enter.
# then try to activate the virtual environment, it will work
# First install virtualenv
!pip3 install virtualenv
# Go to the desired directory which you wish you run your virtual environment.
cd project_directory
# create a virtual environment called my_virtualenv
virtualenv my_virtualenv
### to run the virtual environemt run "activate" as in the following command
# for Ubuntu
# first install virtualenv using
sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
# then run
virtualenv -p python3 MyFirstApp
# to activate virtual env
source MyFirstApp/bin/activate
# after activating virtual env, create your django project, etc
Create a directory
$ mkdir Dev
Move in the directory
$ cd Dev
You can also create a sub directory
$ mkdir penv
Create the virtual environment
$ python3.6 -m venv .
Note that the period '.' signifies that the virtual envrionment is being create in the
present directory not a sub directory
To activate the virtual environment
$ source bin/activate
To exit the virtual environment
$ deactivate
#open directory with terminal where you crated vertual environment
#python3 -m venv data_analysis_env
#example your venv name <visualscrapy>
teamspirit:~$ cd visualscrapy
#teamspirit:~/visualscrapy$ <-- output
#Now type bellow command
source ./bin/activate
#(visualscrapy) teamspirit:~/visualscrapy$ <-- output
#conda activate your_environment_name, e.g. let's assume our environment name is Tensorflow
conda activate Tensorflow
#And to deactivate, just replace activate with deactivate: e.g.
conda deactivate Tensorflow