

custom 404 page flask

from flask import render_template

def page_not_found(e): # e must be in there
    # note that we set the 404 status, this is what it catches
    return render_template('404.html'), 404

flask return 404

I had the same issue. I had it because I changed the parameters SERVER_NAMEof the config to a name which is not the name of the server.

You can solve this bug by removing SERVER_NAME from the config if you have it.

Code Example
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Python :: remove column from dataframe 
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Python :: chech box in tkinter 
Python :: normalize column pandas 
Python :: stop a function from continuing when a condition is met python 
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Python :: bs4 from url 
Python :: django return only part of string 
Python :: python datetime minus days 
Python :: python connect sftp with key 
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Python :: python blackjack 
Python :: regex to find ip address python 
Python :: if a number times a number is true python 
Python :: python folium add minimap to map 
Python :: pandas show complete string 
Python :: dashes seaborn 
Source link
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