

delete migrations django and start over deployment heroku

#If you still have the old code running on Heroku:

#1) Back your database up

#2) Reverse all of your migrations:

$ heroku run python migrate appname zero

#3) Then deploy your new code:

$ git push heroku master
#4) Then run the new migrations:

$ heroku run python migrate

#If you've already deployed the new code to Heroku:

#1) Back your database up

#2) Manually delete your app's tables from your database, as well as rows from the django_migrations table where the app matches your app name e.g. via heroku pg:psql (this may get tricky if you have other apps installed and inter-app dependencies)

#3) Run your new migrations:

$ heroku run python migrate

Code Example
Python :: find sum of 2 numbers in array using python 
Python :: how to mention a div with class in xpath 
Python :: find size of mongodb collection python 
Python :: tensor to int python 
Python :: how to sort a list of dictionary by value in descending order? 
Python :: python set timezone of 
Python :: how to fill nan values in pandas 
Python :: standard deviation python 
Python :: lower upper in pytho 
Python :: Sum values of column based on the unique values of another column 
Python :: get name of a file in python 
Python :: how to send file in django response 
Python :: python formatting strings 
Python :: library for converting text into image in python 
Python :: multiple pdf to csv python 
Python :: softmax function python 
Python :: multiline comment python 
Python :: print all unique values in a dictionary 
Python :: python 3 replace all whitespace characters 
Python :: comment in python 
Python :: pandas apply function to each row lambda 
Python :: flask setup 
Python :: split pandas row into multiple rows 
Python :: get random float in range python 
Python :: numpy find columns containing nan 
Python :: cannot convert float NaN to integer 
Python :: python expressions 
Python :: check anonim user django 
Python :: moving file in python 
Python :: how to read numbers in csv files python 
Source link
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