

depth first search

const depthFirstTraversal = (root) => {
  if (root === null) return [];

  const result = [];
  const stack = [root];

  while (stack.length > 0) {
    const current = stack.pop();
    if (current.right) stack.push(current.right);
    if (current.left) stack.push(current.left);
  return result;

depth first search

BFS-> uses queue
DFS-> uses stack or recursion (less code)
NOTE: same idea algo wise for both

1 declare the DS(if bfs-DS will be queue,if dfs-stack)
2 push the start node to DS
3 when you push you mark it as visited
4 until the DS is not empty run a loop
5 inside loop pop the DS(deque for queue or pop for stack) and save it in a new object actual
6 loop through the neighbors of actual
7 if the current neighbor n is not visited
8 then push n in DS
9 mark n as visited in the next line.

Depth First Search

// Java Depth First Search
// -----------------------

import java.util.*;

public class DepthFirstSearch {

    int V;
    ArrayList<Integer> adj[];

    DepthFirstSearch(int noofvertex) {
        V = noofvertex;
        adj = new ArrayList[noofvertex];
        for (int i = 0; i < noofvertex; i++) {
            adj[i] = new ArrayList<>();

    void edge(int x, int y) {

    void dfs(int sourcevertex) {
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[V];
        Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer>();
        visited[sourcevertex] = true;
        int node;
        while (!s.isEmpty()) {
            sourcevertex = s.peek();
            sourcevertex = s.pop();

            for (int i = 0; i < adj[sourcevertex].size(); i++) {
                node = adj[sourcevertex].get(i);
                if (!visited[node]) {
            if (visited[sourcevertex] == false) {
                System.out.print(sourcevertex + " ");
                visited[sourcevertex] = true;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DepthFirstSearch g = new DepthFirstSearch(6);

        g.edge(0, 1);
        g.edge(0, 2);
        g.edge(0, 5);
        g.edge(1, 0);
        g.edge(1, 2);
        g.edge(2, 0);
        g.edge(2, 1);
        g.edge(2, 3);
        g.edge(2, 4);
        g.edge(3, 2);
        g.edge(4, 2);
        g.edge(4, 5);
        g.edge(5, 0);
        g.edge(5, 4);


depth first

class Node {
  constructor(data) {
    this.left = null;
    this.right = null; = data;

// depth first search tree traversal using recursive
//static implementation
const depthFirstTraversal = (root) => {
  if (root === null) return [];
  const leftValues = depthFirstTraversal(root.left); //[2 , 4 , 5 ]
  const rightValues = depthFirstTraversal(root.right); // [3 , 6 , 7 ]
  return [, ...leftValues, ...rightValues];
const one = new Node(1);
const two = new Node(2);
const three = new Node(3);
const four = new Node(4);
const five = new Node(5);
const six = new Node(6);
const seven = new Node(7);

one.left = two;
one.right = three;
two.left = four;
two.right = five;
three.left = six;
three.right = seven;
// console.log(depthFirstTraversal(one)); // [1 ,2 , 4 , 5  ,3 , 6 ,7]

// depth first search tree traversal using while loop :

const depthFirstTraversal2 = (root) => {
  if (root === null) return [];

  const result = [];
  const stack = [root];

  while (stack.length > 0) {
    const current = stack.pop();
    if (current.right) stack.push(current.right);
    if (current.left) stack.push(current.left);
  return result;
console.log(depthFirstTraversal2(one)); // [1 ,2 , 4 , 5  ,3 , 6 ,7]

depth first search

# Depth First Search: DFS Algorithm

# 1) Pick any node. 
# 2) If it is unvisited, mark it as visited and recur on all its 
#    adjacent (neighbours) nodes. 
# 3) Repeat until all the nodes are visited

graph= {
    'A' : ['B','C'],
    'B' : ['D', 'E'],
    'C' : ['F'],
    'D' : [],
    'E' : ['F'],
    'F' : []
visited = set() # Set to keep track of visited nodes of graph.

def dfs(visited, graph, node):  #function for dfs 
    if node not in visited:
        We start with A
        Then B
        Then D
        Then E
        Then F
        Then C
        A -> B -> D -> E -> F -> C
        # added to visited to avoid visit the node twice 
        for neighbour in graph[node]:
            * Neighbour of A : B and C but first visit B
            * Then neighbour of B : D and E but first visit D 
            * Then neighbour of D : doesn't have neighbour then backtrack to the neighbour
                of the previous node (B) which is E
            * Then neighbour of E : F
            * Then neighbour of F : doesn't have neighbour then backtrack to the neighbour 
                of the previous node E but doesn't have other neighbour except F which is visited
                So backtracking again to B and B also doesn't have nodes not visited 
                So backtracking again to A: C not visited YAY!
            dfs(visited, graph, neighbour)
print(dfs(visited, graph, 'A'))

depth first search tip

remember that you are putting the vertexes of your graph into a stack and that is what determines the order they are travelled

depth first search

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

class Graph {
	map<int, bool> visited;
	map<int, list<int> > adj;
	void addEdge(int v, int w);
	void DFS(int v);
	void PrintGraph();

void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w)

void Graph::PrintGraph()
    for(auto &it:adj)
        cout<<it.first<<" : ";
        for(auto i=(it.second).begin();i!=(it.second).end();i++)
            cout<<*i<<" -> ";

void Graph::DFS(int v)
    cout<<v<<" ";
    for(auto i=adj[v].begin();i!=adj[v].end();i++)

int main()
	Graph g;
	g.addEdge(0, 1);
	g.addEdge(0, 2);
	g.addEdge(1, 2);
	g.addEdge(2, 0);
	g.addEdge(2, 3);
	g.addEdge(3, 3);
	return 0;


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