emoji = "" # some emoji as a string
if any(reaction.emoji == emoji for reaction in message.reactions):
# there is at least one reaction of the specified emoji
async def on_message(message):
#if the spotify command is triggered
#fetch from the API
spotifyEmbed = discord.Embed(title=resultName, ...)
spotifyMessage = await message.channel.send(embed=spotifyEmbed)
await spotifyMessage.add_reaction("⬅️")
await spotifyMessage.add_reaction("➡️")
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
if user != client.user:
if str(reaction.emoji) == "➡️":
#fetch new results from the Spotify API
newSearchResult = discord.Embed(...)
await reaction.message.edit(embed=newSearchResult)
if str(reaction.emoji) == "⬅️":
#fetch new results from the Spotify API
newSearchResult = discord.Embed(...)
await reaction.message.edit(embed=newSearchResult)