def perform_update(self, serializer):
# Save with the new value for the target model fields
user = self.request.user
userid = str(
# The above def is in viewset and you can specify what field else can be edited in the API "PUT",
# Here We just set the stu_enrolled_classes field with is relation to the user to be the current user that send the "PUT" request.
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes, renderer_classes
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer
from rest_framework.response import Response
@permission_classes([IsAuthenticated]) # policy decorator
@renderer_classes([JSONRenderer]) # policy decorator
def items_not_done(request):
user_count = Item.objects.filter(done=False).count()
content = {'not_done': user_count}
return Response(content)
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import permissions
class SnippetViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
This viewset automatically provides `list`, `create`, `retrieve`,
`update` and `destroy` actions.
Additionally we also provide an extra `highlight` action.
queryset = Snippet.objects.all()
serializer_class = SnippetSerializer
permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly,
@action(detail=True, renderer_classes=[renderers.StaticHTMLRenderer])
def highlight(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
snippet = self.get_object()
return Response(snippet.highlighted)
def perform_create(self, serializer):
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
A viewset for viewing and editing user instances.
serializer_class = UserSerializer
queryset = User.objects.all()