

English Dictionary labels

A dictionary uses different labels like Br (British), Am (American), fml (formal), infml (informal), col (colloquial), pl (plural), poetic (poetic), sl (slang).This information is important in writing.

Code Example
Python :: for loop pattern in python stack overflow 
Python :: python for comparing url path 
Python :: fading hex color python 
Python :: how tofind records between two values in pyspark 
Python :: get window coordinates selenium 
Python :: how to for loop length print in python 
Python :: multigreading sys.exit does not work 
Python :: python import module with minus in its name 
Python :: select values for row matching condition 
Python :: what hormone causes the feeling of love 
Python :: list value extraction using python 
Python :: Solution to Remove Recursion Limitation in python 
Python :: python nltk detecting clauses in sentences 
Python :: list of words from a string and filter them based on a secondary list 
Python :: Python: Sending a variable to another script 
Python :: logartim normalization python pandas 
Python :: face sentiment 
Python :: if the answer satisfiest the condition so how to stop it to run further ahead in python 
Python :: decorator patter 
Python :: how to use django-filters with viewset 
Python :: Python - Comment vérifier une corde contient un nombre 
Python :: Convert this bash command into Python echo have a nice day Quizlet 
Python :: display all rows pandas 
Python :: make a function that accepts any nuber of arguments python 
Python :: vscode how to extend output size in jupyter notebook 
Python :: dictionary changed size during iteration after pop function 
Python :: the command 
Python :: first n lis tpython 
Python :: python debugger online 
Python :: python file is writable 
Source link
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