

enumerate in python

languages = ['Python', 'C', 'C++', 'C#', 'Java']

#Bad way
i = 0 #counter variable
for language in languages:
    print(i, language)

#Good Way
for i, language in enumerate(languages):
    print(i, language)

enumerate in python

# Python program to illustrate
# enumerate function in loops
l1 = ["eat", "sleep", "repeat"]
# printing the tuples in object directly
for ele in enumerate(l1):
    print (ele)
>>>(0, 'eat')
>>>(1, 'sleep')
>>>(2, 'repeat')    
# changing index and printing separately
for count, ele in enumerate(l1, 100):
    print (count, ele)
>>>100 eat
>>>101 sleep
>>>102 repeat  

# getting desired output from tuple
for count, ele in enumerate(l1):

enumerate in python

list1 = ['1', '2', '3', '4']

for index, listElement in enumerate(list1): 
    #What enumerate does is, it gives you the index as well as the element in an iterable
    print(f'{listElement} is at index {index}') # This print statement is just for example output

# This code will give output : 
1 is at index 0
2 is at index 1
3 is at index 2
4 is at index 3

enumerate items python

mydict = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(mydict.items()):
    print("index: {}, key: {}, value: {}".format(i, k, v))

# which will print:
# -----------------
# index: 0, key: 1, value: a
# index: 1, key: 2, value: b

enumerate in python

mydict = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(mydict.items()):
#will print   
# 0 1 a
# 1 2 b

Code Example
Python :: clear list 
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Python :: how to append to a dictionary in python 
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Source link
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