

python tkinter grid

# import tkinter module
from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import *
# creating main tkinter window/toplevel
master = Tk()
# this will create a label widget
l1 = Label(master, text = "Height")
l2 = Label(master, text = "Width")
# grid method to arrange labels in respective
# rows and columns as specified
l1.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2)
l2.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2)
# entry widgets, used to take entry from user
e1 = Entry(master)
e2 = Entry(master)
# this will arrange entry widgets
e1.grid(row = 0, column = 1, pady = 2)
e2.grid(row = 1, column = 1, pady = 2)
# checkbutton widget
c1 = Checkbutton(master, text = "Preserve")
c1.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
# adding image (remember image should be PNG and not JPG)
img = PhotoImage(file = r"C:UsersAdminPicturescapture1.png")
img1 = img.subsample(2, 2)
# setting image with the help of label
Label(master, image = img1).grid(row = 0, column = 2,
       columnspan = 2, rowspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
# button widget
b1 = Button(master, text = "Zoom in")
b2 = Button(master, text = "Zoom out")
# arranging button widgets
b1.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = E)
b2.grid(row = 2, column = 3, sticky = E)
# infinite loop which can be terminated 
# by keyboard or mouse interrupt

Example Layout using grid() in tkinter

# import tkinter module
from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import *
# creating main tkinter window/toplevel
master = Tk()
# this will create a label widget
l1 = Label(master, text = "First:")
l2 = Label(master, text = "Second:")
# grid method to arrange labels in respective
# rows and columns as specified
l1.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2)
l2.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W, pady = 2)
# entry widgets, used to take entry from user
e1 = Entry(master)
e2 = Entry(master)
# this will arrange entry widgets
e1.grid(row = 0, column = 1, pady = 2)
e2.grid(row = 1, column = 1, pady = 2)
# infinite loop which can be terminated by keyboard
# or mouse interrupt

Code Example
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Source link
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