

Find All Occurrences of a Substring in a String in Python

import re 
# defining string  
str1 = "This dress looks good; you have good taste in clothes."
#defining substring 
substr = "good"
print("The original string is: " + str1) 
print("The substring to find: " + substr) 
result = [_.start() for _ in re.finditer(substr, str1)] 
print("The start indices of the substrings are : " + str(result))

# Output - 
# The original string is: This dress looks good; you have good taste in clothes.
# The substring to find: good
# The start indices of the substrings are : [17, 34]

Find All Occurrences of a Substring in a String in Python

#defining string and substring
str1 = "This dress looks good; you have good taste in clothes."
substr = "good"

#occurrence of word 'good' in whole string
count1 = str1.count(substr)

#occurrence of word 'good' from index 0 to 25
count2 = str1.count(substr,0,25)

# output -
# 2
# 1

Code Example
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