

flask vs django

Django is a full-stack web framework, 
whereas Flask is a micro and lightweight web framework. 
The features provided by Django help developers to build large 
and complex web applications. On the other hand, Flask accelerates development 
of simple web applications by providing the required functionality

flask or django

Flask is a lightweight framework, while Django is a huge framework,
with extra functionality. Django is better for large projects,
while Flask is better for smaller and simpler projects.

django or flask

Django is a full-stack and useful for big and huge projects but Flask is
lightweight and simple . It is based on your needy to use them . 
I think Django is better for back-end . It is something that i think .

Code Example
Python :: pandas reset index from 0 
Python :: python run code at the same time 
Python :: python webbrowser module 
Python :: unsupervised learning 
Python :: timedelta python days 
Python :: Python dir() built-in function 
Python :: how to capitalize first letter in python in list using list comprehension 
Python :: python string to list new line 
Python :: pandas replace nan with value above 
Python :: reset all weights keras 
Python :: django template add numbers 
Python :: python anonymous function 
Python :: getsizeof python 
Python :: python machine learning scale 
Python :: add python to path 
Python :: python send sigint to subprocess 
Python :: pip install opencv 
Python :: optimizationed bubble sort optimizationed 
Python :: maior valor lista python 
Python :: python time limit for input 
Python :: flatten a list 
Python :: python pass 
Python :: pydub play audio 
Python :: replace nan using fillna 
Python :: python txt to parquet 
Python :: read pickle file 
Python :: increment decrement operator in python 
Python :: python 2d dictionary 
Python :: regex find email address in string python 
Python :: remove element from list by index 
Source link
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