

function without return python

def GM(N):
  for i in range(N):
    print("Good Morning!!")
GM(5)   # this line of code is going to print Good Morning 
		# Five time in terminal
# Here there is no return statement 
# This function or module is accepting a integer num where there
# is for loop running that number of time to 
# print Good Morning N number of times
# this functions are called Void Functions

Code Example
Python :: multiply each element in list python 
Python :: how to find the last item of a list 
Python :: find duplicates in python list 
Python :: how do i convert a list to a string in python 
Python :: splitting a number into digits python 
Python :: find substr within a str in python 
Python :: dictionary with double key python 
Python :: how to press enter in selenium python 
Python :: Simple Scatter Plot in matplotlib 
Python :: django month name from month number 
Python :: how to encode hexadecimal python 
Python :: how to pass data between views django 
Python :: output path jupyter 
Python :: change string list to int list python 
Python :: how to insert a variable into a string python 
Python :: tkinter slider 
Python :: convert float in datetime python 
Python :: pandas dataframe unique multiple columns 
Python :: python get file name without dir 
Python :: python for loop with increment 
Python :: Python Requests Library Post Method 
Python :: how to display percentage in pandas crosstab 
Python :: print even numbers in python 
Python :: dataframe column in list 
Python :: play sound on python 
Python :: http client post python 
Python :: python line_profiler 
Python :: the boys 
Python :: how to check how many items are in a list python 
Python :: pandas return specific row 
Source link
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