

how to convert input time value to datetime

# converting input time value to datetime.
def conv_time(time_val):
    if pd.isnull(time_val):
        return np.nan
            # replace 24:00 o'clock with 00:00 o'clock:
        if time_val == 2400: time_val = 0
            # creating a 4 digit value out of input value:
        time_val = "{0:04d}".format(int(time_val))
            # creating a time datatype out of input value: 
        time_formatted = datetime.time(int(time_val[0:2]), int(time_val[2:4]))
    return time_formatted
#Example on how to use our function:

df['ARRIVAL_TIME'] = df['ARRIVAL_TIME'].apply(conv_time)
df['DEPARTURE_TIME'] = df['DEPARTURE_TIME'].apply(conv_time)

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