# in python you can declare a variable by simply typing the variable name and assigning a value to it, no keywords needed. like so:
variable_name = 'value'
# there are 4 types of values you can store in python, just like most languages.
# a string: 'Helo word!'
# an integer: 1010001
# a float: 1010101.7
# and last, a boolean: True or False
# when you have declared a variable you can call it by simpely typing its name
# happy coding!
#single name variable
name = "Your name"
#recomended naming of compound or multiple names are seperated by underscore _
some_variable_name = "Name of the the variable"
# Variables in Python are used to store some data in it and use it over and
# over again
# Variables can store Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans
var_string = "Hello World!"
var_integer = 1234567890 # any number
var_float = 3.14159 # any number with decimal value
var_boolean = True # True or False
#creating variable in python
a = 15 #it is called integer
b = 'apple' #any word or number written in this "" is called string
c = False #True or False is called boolean
d = 2.45 #any number with point is called float
#it will print all the values