

how to make a button open a new window in python

# This will import all the widgets
# and modules which are available in
# tkinter and ttk module
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
# creates a Tk() object
master = Tk()
# sets the geometry of main
# root window
# function to open a new window
# on a button click
def openNewWindow():
    # Toplevel object which will
    # be treated as a new window
    newWindow = Toplevel(master)
    # sets the title of the
    # Toplevel widget
    newWindow.title("New Window")
    # sets the geometry of toplevel
    # A Label widget to show in toplevel
          text ="This is a new window").pack()
label = Label(master,
              text ="This is the main window")
label.pack(pady = 10)
# a button widget which will open a
# new window on button click
btn = Button(master,
             text ="Click to open a new window",
             command = openNewWindow)
btn.pack(pady = 10)
# mainloop, runs infinitely

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Source link
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