#This is the list. You can place it in other file and import it."In the same file:"
MyList =["something","something2","something3"]
IncredibleWord ="something"if IncredibleWord in MyList:print("Yes, IncredibleWord is in your list")else:print("No, IncredibleWord isn't in your list")#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "If your list is in an other file:"#OtherFile
MyList =["something","something2","something3"]#MyMainFile#Variables and lists for examplefrom OtherFile import*
IncredibleWord ="something"if IncredibleWord in MyList:print("Yes, IncredibleWord is in your list")else:print("No, IncredibleWord isn't in your list")#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------#Only a variable or a list for examplefrom OtherFile import<List Name>
IncredibleWord ="something"if IncredibleWord in MyList:print("Yes, IncredibleWord is in your list")else:print("No, IncredibleWord isn't in your list")