

pocketsphinx install error

sudo apt-get install -y swig libpulse-dev
pip install pocketsphinx

install pocketsphinx error

Down load swig for windows (
Copy swig.exe to the python installation folder (for ex C:/python27)

Open the swigwin-3.0.12/Lib folder and copy all *.swg files to the C:/python27/Lib or equivalent python path

Open swigwin-3.0.12/Lib/python and copy all the files to C:/python27/Lib

Open the swigwin-3.0.12/Lib folder and copy over the typemaps folder to C:/python27/Lib

Restart the terminal and run "pip install pocketsphinx" and it should work.

If this doesnt work, install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python

Code Example
Python :: get method in python 
Python :: highlight null/nan values in pandas table 
Python :: bar plot 
Python :: print colored text to console python 
Python :: how to specify variable type in python 
Python :: how to login using email in django 
Python :: Write byte data in file python 
Python :: python backslash in string 
Python :: get all keys and values from dictionary python 
Python :: change month name in python 
Python :: selenium do not open browser window 
Python :: python add commas to list 
Python :: Python Tkinter Frame Widget 
Python :: create nested dictionary with user input in python 
Python :: indexes meta django 
Python :: django validators import 
Python :: python int to char 
Python :: converting tuple into string 
Python :: seaborn boxplot multiple for each column 
Python :: format dictionary python 
Python :: python random generator from list 
Python :: module.__dict__ python 
Python :: python track time 
Python :: download unsplash images python no api 
Python :: find index of sublist in list python 
Python :: get coordinates of netcdf in python 
Python :: sort python 
Python :: python array join 
Python :: python how to get the angle between two points by only their x,y 
Python :: python find if strings are anagrams 
Source link
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