

is machine learning hard

Well everything is hard to an extent. If it comes down to me i find it easy in general.
you just need to understand some basic principals such as programming and a bit of maths.

Now maths aren't that important in ML, you can learn the code only.

However this comes with drawbacks. Sometimes if you need to understand a certain concept
such as KNN (k nearest neighbors) for example, you need a bit of math if you want to understand what's
going on.

If you want, search for " how to get started with machine learning ", i've rote some code
and examples and i explained about it in a simple way. I gave a simple linear regression python example.

In conlusion, it's easy to learn machie learning but the requirements are:

1) coding experience or background
2) maths ( optional but preferred )
3) passion and dedication ( try learning min: 2h a day )

Here are some resources: 

1) youtube tech with tim series. He's a great dev. visit:
2) freecodecamp. Now freecodecamp is a great place for projects. However I don't personally advise you to start there as they do projects and not teach ML.
3) sklearn. visit:

If you found this content helpful please leave a like or up-vote!

Happy coding devs!

Code Example
Python :: clibboard to png 
Python :: tqdm for jupyter notebook 
Python :: print current time hours and minutes in python 
Python :: check if string url python 
Python :: pygame change logo 
Python :: python pil image flip 
Python :: panda select rows where column value inferior to 
Python :: loop on dataframe lines python 
Python :: matoplotlib set white background 
Python :: size of variable python 
Python :: python ftp upload file 
Python :: python alphabet 
Python :: fill python list with input 
Python :: export python pandas dataframe as json file 
Python :: python calculate computation time 
Python :: how to import image in python 
Python :: knn sklearn 
Python :: selenium exception handling python 
Python :: multiple variable input in python 
Python :: how to get the current date hour minute month year in python 
Python :: n random numbers python 
Python :: python create map with coordinates 
Python :: cv2 save video mp4 
Python :: cors error in flask 
Python :: python check if item in 2d list 
Python :: add reaction to message 
Python :: python choose random sample from list 
Python :: python random string 
Python :: python alfabet 
Python :: turn pandas entries into strings 
Source link
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