

map vs apply pandas

difference between map and apply

map is defined on Series ONLY
applymap is defined on DataFrames ONLY
apply is defined on BOTH

map is meant for mapping values from one domain to another, 
so is optimised for performance (e.g., df['A'].map({1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}))
apply is for applying any function that cannot be vectorised
(e.g., df['sentences'].apply(nltk.sent_tokenize)

Code Example
Python :: python code variable declaration 
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Python :: how to store categorical variables in separate dataframe 
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Python :: python turtle tutorial 
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Python :: numpy datatime object 
Python :: python rounding numbers to n digits 
Python :: How to solve not in base 10 in python when using decimals 
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Python :: python in line elif 
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Python :: args in python 
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Python :: custom permission class django rest framework 
Python :: self object 
Python :: python string 
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Python :: python pandas how to check in what columns there are empty values(NaN) 
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Python :: spreadsheet worksheet counter 
Python :: convert string input into a nested tuple in python 
Python :: how to set default value in many2one 
Python :: how to save xml file in python 
Source link
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