from collections import Counter
# Example phrase
phrase = "John is the son of John second. Second son of John second is William second."
split_phrase = phrase.split()
# create counter object
Counter = Counter(split_phrase)
most_occured_words = Counter.most_common(4)
### Has No Modules ###
# The string
string = input("What 'thing' do you want the most repeated character of? Just type it!: ")
# Setting an empty dictionary (Key = Character + Value = Frequency)
character_frequency = {}
for character in string:
if character in character_frequency:
character_frequency[character] += 1
character_frequency[character] = 1
Values = sorted([kv[1] for kv in character_frequency.items()], reverse=True)
for k,v in character_frequency.items():
if v == Values[0]:
print("'" + k + "'", "is the most repeated character in '" + string + "'.")