

numpy replicate array

numpy.tile(A, reps)
#or if you want to do it along a new axis:
np.repeat(A, reps, axis = 0)

Code Example
Python :: python plot bins not lining up with axis 
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Python :: tkinter window title 
Python :: pyttsx3 speech to mp3 
Python :: np.random.seed 
Python :: how to set google chrome as default browser when coding with python using webbroiwser module 
Python :: remove item from list while looping 
Python :: module turtle has no forward member 
Python :: snowflake python connector error handling 
Python :: python show image cv2 
Python :: dopleganger 
Python :: olst = [] a = int(input()) b = int(input()) for ele in range(a,b+1): if ele%2 != 0: olst.append(ele) print(olst[::-1]) 
Python :: convert dtype of column cudf 
Python :: your generated code is out of date and must be regenerated with protoc = 3.19.0 tensorflow 
Python :: how to set a timer in while loop python 
Python :: get current time python django 
Python :: dashes seaborn 
Python :: Finding the sum of even Fibonacci numbers less than or equal to given limit 
Python :: fourreau de maroquin 
Python :: how do i change the hue color in seaborn 
Python :: is int python 
Python :: T-Test Comparison of two means python 
Python :: python last element in list 
Python :: pros and cons of python flush print function 
Python :: python extract all numbers from string re 
Python :: rotate x labels in plots, matplotlib 
Python :: combining 2 dataframes pandas 
Python :: write a python program to find gcd of two numbers 
Source link
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