

pip offline package install

1 -  pip freeze > requirements.txt
2 -  mkdir wheelhouse && pip download -r requirements.txt -d wheelhouse
3 -  Copy requirements.txt into wheelhouse directory
4 -  Archive wheelhouse into wheelhouse.tar.gz with tar -zcf wheelhouse.tar.gz wheelhouse
	 or make simply zip or rar file
5 -  Then upload wheelhouse.tar.gz or zip or rar to your target machine:
6 -  Execute 
	 tar -zxf wheelhouse.tar.gz to extract the files or unzip
7 -  Execute 
	 pip install -r wheelhouse/requirements.txt --no-index --find-links wheelhouse to install the libs and their dependencies

Code Example
Python :: opencv load image python 
Python :: how to create multidimensional array in python using numpy 
Python :: python for android 
Python :: plot neural network keras 
Python :: histogram seaborn python 
Python :: django model get field verbose name 
Python :: python loop shorthand 
Python :: how to return a missing element in python 
Python :: python flask windows 
Python :: legend for pie chart matplotlib 
Python :: len function in python 
Python :: Python Add a string in a certain position 
Python :: how to access http page in pythion 
Python :: create excel file python 
Python :: string in list py 
Python :: torch tensor to pandas dataframe 
Python :: seaborn angle lable 
Python :: install fastapi 
Python :: creating a bar plot bar | creating a bar chart 
Python :: text cleaning python 
Python :: how to install os module in python 
Python :: mkdir if not exists python 
Python :: how to get the year and month in python 
Python :: convert pandas group to dict 
Python :: print example 
Python :: print colored text to console python 
Python :: module in python 
Python :: terminal commands for install python on cpanel 
Python :: Python Tkinter Frame Widget 
Python :: save seaborn lmplot 
Source link
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