a=input('enter a string :')# palindrome in string
if a==b:
print(a,'is a palindrome')
print(a,'is not a palindrome')
print('a is not equal to b')
if a!=b:
print(b, 'the reverse of', a)
# not palindrome
enter a string :1254
1254 is not a palindrome
a is not equal to b
4521 the reverse of 1254
# palindrme
enter a string :12321
12321 is a palindrome
num=int(input("Enter a no.:"))
while num!=0:
if num1==rev:
print(num1," is a palindrome")
print(num1," is not a palindrome")
n = input("Enter the word and see if it is palindrome: ") #check palindrome
if n == n[::-1]:
print("This word is palindrome")
print("This word is not palindrome")
How to check if a given string is a palindrome, in Python?
This implementation checks whether a given
string is a palindrome. A string is
considered to be a palindrome if it reads the
same forward and backward. For example, "kayak"
is a palindrome, while, "door" is not.
Let n be the length of the string
Time complexity: O(n),
Space complexity: O(1)
def isPalindrome(string):
# Maintain left and right pointers
leftIdx = 0
rightIdx = len(string)-1
while leftIdx < rightIdx:
# If chars on either end don't match
# string cannot be a palindrome
if string[leftIdx] != string[rightIdx]:
return False
# Otherwise, proceed to next chars
leftIdx += 1
rightIdx -= 1
return True
print(isPalindrome("kayak")) # True
print(isPalindrome("door")) # False
myString = "aba"
if myString == myString[::-1]:
print("The string '" + myString + "' is a palindrome")
print("The string '" + myString + "' is not a palindrome")
string = input("Type a string: ")
if string[::-1] == string:
print(string,"This string is Palindrome")
print(string,"This string is not Palindrome")
mes=input("Enter the word and see if it is palindrome ")
if mes==mes[::-1]:
print("This word is palindrome")
print("This word is not palindrome")
# Python3 code to demonstrate
# checking a number is palindrome
# using str() + string slicing
# initializing number
test_number = 9669669
# printing the original number
print ("The original number is : " + str(test_number))
# using str() + string slicing
# for checking a number is palindrome
res = str(test_number) == str(test_number)[::-1]
# printing result
print ("Is the number palindrome ? : " + str(res))
# Python3 code to demonstrate
# checking a number is palindrome
# using math.log() + recursion + list comprehension
import math
# the recursive function to reverse
def rev(num):
return int(num != 0) and ((num % 10) *
(10**int(math.log(num, 10))) +
rev(num // 10))
# initializing number
test_number = 9669669
# printing the original number
print ("The original number is : " + str(test_number))
# using math.log() + recursion + list comprehension
# for checking a number is palindrome
res = test_number == rev(test_number)
# printing result
print ("Is the number palindrome ? : " + str(res))
# Recursive function to check if a
# string is palindrome
def isPalindrome(s):
# to change it the string is similar case
s = s.lower()
# length of s
l = len(s)
# if length is less than 2
if l < 2:
return True
# If s[0] and s[l-1] are equal
elif s[0] == s[l - 1]:
# Call is palindrome form substring(1,l-1)
return isPalindrome(s[1: l - 1])
return False
# Driver Code
s = "MalaYaLam"
ans = isPalindrome(s)
if ans:
def is_palindrome(input_string):
# Create two strings, to compare them
new_string = ""
reverse_string = ""
# Traverse through each letter of the input string
for x in range(len(input_string)):
# This will give x the value of all the possible index numbers for each iteration
# Add any non-blank letters to the
# end of one string, and to the front
# of the other string.
if input_string[x] != " ":
new_string += input_string[x]
reverse_string = new_string[::-1]
# Compare the strings
if new_string.lower() == reverse_string.lower():
return True
return False
print(is_palindrome("Never Odd or Even")) # Should be True
#Problem of Mahabubul Alam Data structures book
n = int(input("Enter the values of N - "))
for i in range(1, n+1):
si = str(i)
rsi = si[::-1]
if si == rsi:
print(i,"is palindrome number.")