

print in pytest python

#Allows to print extra content onto the PyTest reporting. 
#This can be used for example to report sub-steps for long running tests, 
or to print debug information in your tests when you cannot debug the code.


pip install pytest-print
#The plugin provides ability to print information during the tests runs.


--print by default the module activates print when pytest verbosity is greater than zero, this allows to bypass this and force print irrespective of the verbosity
--print-relative-time will print the relative time since the start of the test (display how long it takes to reach prints)

#Use Cases: Sub-step reporting
#For tests that are long running this can provide a feedback ot the end-user that what is just happening in the background.

def test_server_parallel_requests(printer, tmpdir):
    printer("create virtual environment into {}".format(tmpdir))

    printer("start server from virtual env")

    printer("do the parallel request test")


Code Example
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Source link
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