print('What is age?')
age = int(input('number:')) # user gives number as input
if age > 18:
print('go ahead drive')
elif age == 18:
print('come personaly for test')
print('still underage')
#if else loop in python
#simple example
age = int(input("What is your age: "))
if age < 18:
print("You can't vote")
#if you enter your age less than 18 it will print you can't vote
print("you can vote")
#if you enter your age greater than 18 it will print you can vote
age=int(input("Enter your age:"))
if age<=18:
print("sorry your are not eligible for vote")
elif age>=18:
print("u are eligible for vote")
print("in some how the previou's condition fails else part will run")
# plz suscribe to my youtube channel -->
# https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-sfqidn2fKZslHWnm5qe-A
#if else conditions in python
a = "if else conditions are inportant"
if "else" in a:
print("Word is in a")
print("word is not in a")
word = input('Word: ') # This will ask you to print a word
if word == 'hello': # <- If your response is: 'hello'
print('world') # <- It will output: 'world'
elif word == 'world': # If the response is: 'world'
print("Hey, that's my line >:(") # It will print this
print("Hey buster you gonna say hello or not?")
# If sombody prints ANYTHING ELSE other than 'hello' or 'world'
# It will output that print statment above!
#Hope this helped you!
# plz suscribe to my youtube channel -->
# https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-sfqidn2fKZslHWnm5qe-A
print("Welcome to Rolercoster rider")
#taking input of your hight
Your_hight = int(input("What is Your hight:- "))
#if condition
if Your_hight >= 120:
print("You are good to go to the roller coster")
print("Grow taller to go to the rolercoster")
# How conditions work
if condition:
# if condition met
# code here
elif condition2: # (else if) checked if the first condition is false
# if condition2 met
# code here
elif condition3: # elif can be chained
# if condition3 met
# code here
# if none of the conditions are met
# code here
# example
if name == "bob": # ex. a == b (is a equal to b)
print("the wifi password is 1234")
elif name == "jake": # if the first condition is not met python checks this one
print("the secret formula is under the bed")
else: # if none of the conditions are met
print("sorry i don't know who you are")
# Other Example
if age >= 18:
print('You can go in')
print('you cannot pass, you are underage')