Letters: A-Z, a-z
Digits: 0-9 # the first character of a variable name cannot be a digit
And the underscore character _
Code Example |
Python :: |
Python :: get instance of object python |
Python :: |
:: train split |
Python :: append path to sys jupyter notebook |
Python :: add system path python jupytre |
:: |
:: |
:: |
:: get input from user in python |
:: check if host is reachable python |
Python :: split column by comma pandas |
Python :: csv writer python |
Python :: exit python terminal |
Python :: simple secatter plot |
Python :: python - count how many unique in a column |
:: Python Requests Library Post Method |
Python :: |
Python :: python write line break |
Python :: dataframe plot histogram |
Python :: python list prime numbers |
Python :: python convert string to byte array |
:: regular expression to remove space python |
:: pandas drop row from a list of vlaue |
Python :: the boys |
Python :: how to use static files in django |
Python :: first column of a dataframe python |
Python :: remove nans and infs python |
Python :: django dockerfile multistage |
Python :: flask setup |