

python b string

Python 3.x makes a clear distinction between the types:

str = '...' literals = a sequence of Unicode characters (Latin-1, UCS-2 or 
UCS-4, depending on the widest character in the string)
bytes = b'...' literals = a sequence of octets (integers between 0 and 255)
#If you're familiar with:

#Java or C#, think of str as String and bytes as byte[];
#SQL, think of str as NVARCHAR and bytes as BINARY or BLOB;
#Windows registry, think of str as REG_SZ and bytes as REG_BINARY.

Code Example
Python :: get dataframe column into a list 
Python :: pass a list to a function in python 
Python :: pandas data frame to list 
Python :: how to restart loop python 
Python :: python program to print ASCII characters in lowercase 
Python :: count proportion pandas 
Python :: python int to string 
Python :: php echo shorthand 
Python :: django celery results 
Python :: Fast api importing optional 
Python :: how to add percentage in countplot 
Python :: find max value in list python 
Python :: match python 
Python :: pandas print tabulate no index 
Python :: pandas xa0 
Python :: how to print keys and values of dictionary together in python? 
Python :: python to uppercase 
Python :: list files in python 
Python :: check if numpy array contains only duplicates 
Python :: input in python 
Python :: python simple web app 
Python :: python get current date 
Python :: how to find maximum number from python list 
Python :: python create array 
Python :: Returns a new DataFrame omitting rows with null values 
Python :: print random integers py 
Python :: df to sql mysql 
Python :: legend text color matplotlib 
Python :: python request coinmarketcap 
Python :: keras maxpooling1d 
Source link
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