

python copy vs deepcopy

For immutable objects, there is no need for copying because 
the data will never change, so Python uses the same data; 
ids are always the same. For mutable objects, 
since they can potentially change, [shallow] copy creates a new object.

Deep copy is related to nested structures. 
If you have list of lists, then deepcopy copies the nested lists also, 
so it is a recursive copy. With just copy, you have a new outer list, 
but inner lists are references.

Assignment (=) does not copy. It simply sets the reference to the old data. 
So you need copy to create a new list with the same contents.

Code Example
Python :: drop columns 
Python :: assert python 3 
Python :: array sort in python 
Python :: how to return the sum of two numbers python 
Python :: função map python 
Python :: python image heatmap 
Python :: subarrays in python 
Python :: dfs algorithm python 
Python :: how to create list in python 
Python :: python string after character 
Python :: python eval 
Python :: np diag 
Python :: master python 
Python :: python pandas merge dataframe 
Python :: string length python 
Python :: tuples vs list 
Python :: how to add number in tuple 
Python :: help() python 
Python :: python range 
Python :: enum 
Python :: get center position of countries geopandas 
Python :: Python String index() 
Python :: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt index = 0 missClassifiedIndexes = [] for label, predit in zip(y_test, predictions): if label != predict: missClassifiedIndexes.append(index) index = +1 
Python :: check if string has square brackets python 
Python :: Spatial Reference arcpy 
Python :: django query multiple 
Python :: Add dj_database_url on heroku or production 
Python :: indexers in python 
Python :: django compile database 
Python :: print is not working in python 
Source link
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