

python generate rsa key pair

# download pycryptodome by running 'pip3 install pycryptodome'

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

private_key = RSA.generate(2048)
pubkey = private_key.publickey()

private_key = private_key.exportKey().decode("utf-8")
pubkey = pubkey.exportKey().decode("utf-8")

generate rsa key python

# download pycryptodome by running 'pip3 install pycryptodome'

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

private_key_obj = RSA.generate(2048) # this is an RSA key obj
pubkey_obj = private_key_obj.publickey() # this is an RSA key obj

private_key = private_key_obj.exportKey().decode("utf-8") # this is an RSA key string
pubkey = pubkey_obj.exportKey().decode("utf-8") # this is an RSA key string

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