# How to get the name of the current Tkinter frame
from tkinter import *
# Directs you to the next frame (moves the selected frame to the top)
def raise_frame(frame):
# Get the name of the current frame
def get_name(frame):
print("Default frame name: " + str(frame))
current_frame = getattr(frame_var, str(frame).replace(".!", ""))
print("Current frame name: " + current_frame)
# Class to define frame variales
class Frame_var:
frame = "the first frame"
frame2 = "the second frame"
# Defining class as a veriable
frame_var = Frame_var()
# Setting up the window
root = Tk()
home_frame = Frame(root, bg="black", borderwidth=1, padx=50, pady=10)
other_frame = Frame(root, bg="grey", borderwidth=1, padx=50, pady=10)
for frame in (home_frame, other_frame):
# Home frame
Button(home_frame, text='home frame', command=lambda:[raise_frame(other_frame), get_name(home_frame)]).pack()
# Other frame
Button(other_frame, text='other frame', command=lambda:[raise_frame(home_frame), get_name(other_frame)]).pack()
# Main loop