myDict = {
"message": "Hello Grepper!"
for key, value in myDict.items():
print(key) #Output: message
print(value) #Output: Hello Grepper!
myDict = {
"comment": "A like if you love learning python with grepper!"
myDict["comment"] #retrieves comment if found. Otherwise triggers error
#or if not sure if key is in dictionary, avoid exiting code with error.
myDict.get("comment") #retrieves comment or None if not found in dict
dict = {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'square', 'perimeter':20}
dict.get('shape') #returns square
#You can also set a return value in case key doesn't exist (default is None)
dict.get('volume', 'The key was not found') #returns 'The key was not found'
dict = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
value = 'a'
key = [x for x in dict.keys() if dict[x] == value][0]
print(d.get('key5', 'NO KEY'))
print(d.get('key5', 100))
# 100
cars = {'ford': 10, 'opel': 5 }
def get_val(key):
return cars[key]
ford = get_val('ford')