

python mann kendall test

# credit to the post in the source link
# create dataset
data = [31, 29, 28, 28, 27, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 28, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 28]

# perform Mann-Kendall Trend Test
import pymannkendall as mk
>>> Mann_Kendall_Test(trend='no trend', h=False, p=0.422586268671707,
                      z=0.80194241623, Tau=0.147058823529, s=20.0,
                      var_s=561.33333333, slope=0.0384615384615, intercept=27.692307692)

# trend: increasing, decreasing, or no trend.
# h: True if trend is present. False if no trend is present.
# p: The p-value of the test. The lower the better
##### Mann - Kendall parameters
# z: The normalize test statistic.
# Tau: Kendall Tau.
# s: Mann-Kendal’s score
# var_s: Variance S
# slope: Theil-Sen estimator/slope
# intercept: Intercept of Kendall-Theil Robust Line

Code Example
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Source link
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