

Python NumPy stack Function Example with 1d array

# welcome to
# Python program explaining
# stack() function

import numpy as np

# input array
in_arr1 = np.array([1, 3, 5] )
print ("1st Input array : 
", in_arr1)

in_arr2 = np.array([2, 4, 6] )
print ("2nd Input array : 
", in_arr2)

# Stacking the two arrays along axis 0
out_arr1 = np.stack((in_arr1, in_arr2), axis = 0)
print ("Output stacked array along axis 0:
 ", out_arr1)

# Stacking the two arrays along axis 1
out_arr2 = np.stack((in_arr1, in_arr2), axis = 1)
print ("Output stacked array along axis 1:
 ", out_arr2)

Python NumPy vstack Function Example with 1d array

# Python program explaining
# vstack() function

import numpy as geek

# input array
in_arr1 = geek.array([ 1, 2, 3] )
print ("1st Input array : 
", in_arr1)

in_arr2 = geek.array([ 4, 5, 6] )
print ("2nd Input array : 
", in_arr2)

# Stacking the two arrays vertically
out_arr = geek.vstack((in_arr1, in_arr2))
print ("Output vertically stacked array:
 ", out_arr)

Python NumPy hstack Function Example with 1d array

# welcome to
# Python program explaining
# hstack() function

import numpy as np

# input array
in_arr1 = np.array([0, 1, 3] )
print ("1st Input array : 
", in_arr1)

in_arr2 = np.array([5, 7, 9] )
print ("2nd Input array : 
", in_arr2)

# Stacking the two arrays horizontally
out_arr = np.hstack((in_arr1, in_arr2))
print ("Output horizontally stacked array:
 ", out_arr)

Code Example
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Source link
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