file=open(“testfile.txt”,”w”)file.write(“Hello World”)file.write(“This is our new text file”)file.write(“and this is another line.”)file.write(“Why? Because we can.”)file.close()
# using 'with' blockwithopen("xyz.txt","w")asfile:# xyz.txt is filename, w means write formatfile.write("xyz")# write text xyz in the file# maunal opening and closing
f.close()# Hope you had a nice little IO lesson
withopen(file_path+file_name*,'wb')as a:
a.write(content)# *example: r"C:UsersuserDesktophello_world.docx".# 'hello_world' DOENT EXIST at the moment, python will automatically create it for us
# read, write, close a file# catch error if raisetry:file=open("tryCatchFile.txt","w")file.write("Hello World")file=open("tryCatchFile.txt","r")print( Exception as e:print(e)finally:file.close()
You can read and write in files with open()
'r' = read
'w' = write (overwrite)
'a' = append (add)
NOTE: You can use shortened 'file.txt' if the file is in the same
directory (folder) as the code. Otherwise use full file adress.
myFile =open('file.txt','r')# Open file in reading modeprint( Prints out file
myFile.close()# Close file
myNewFile =open('newFile.txt','w')# Overwrites file OR creates new file
myNewFile.write('This is a new line')# Adds line to text
myNewFile.close()file=open('newFile.txt','a')# Opens existing newFile.txtfile.write('This line has been added')# Add line (without overwriting)file.close()
f =open("demofile3.txt","w")
f.write("Woops! I have deleted the content!")
f.close()#open and read the file after the appending:
f =open("demofile3.txt","r")print(
my_file =open("C:UsersPythonfile.txt","w")#Give the path accurately and use
my_file.write("This is the test text")
my_file.close()# It is always recommended to close the file after modifying# to see the output, open the file - file.txt
f =open("logs.txt","w")// Open the file to write the logs
" + Content)// Write the list_user to the log_user.txt file
f.close()// Close the file
# Opening a file
file1 =open('SofthuntFile1.txt','w')
multiple_string =["This is Mango
", "This is Apple
", "This is Banana
single_string = "Hi
# Writing a string to file
file1.write(single_string)# Writing multiple strings at a time
file1.writelines(multiple_string)# Closing file
file1.close()# Checking if the data is written to file or not
file1 =open('SofthuntFile1.txt','r')print(