

python regex match

# Step-By-Step breakdown:

import re  # We need this module
# First make a regex object containing your regex search pattern. Replace REGEX_GOES_HERE with your regex search. Use either of these:
regex_obj = re.compile(r'REGEX_GOES_HERE', flags=re.IGNORECASE)  # Case-insensitive search:
regex_obj = re.compile(r'REGEX_GOES_HERE')  # Case-sensitive search

# Define the string you want to search inside:
search_txt = "These are oranges and apples and pears"

# Combine the two to find your result/s:

#And it wrapped in print:
print(regex_obj.findall(search_txt))  # Will return a LIST of all matches. Will return empty list on no matches.
Comment with regex python, string, flags=0)
# pattern: The first argument is the regular expression pattern we want to search inside the target string.
# string: The second argument is the variable pointing to the target string (In which we want to look for occurrences of the pattern).
# flags: Finally, the third argument is optional and it refers to regex flags by default no flags are applied.

Code Example
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