

python regex flags

re.A | re.ASCII			Perform ASCII-only matching instead of full Unicode matching

re.I | re.IGNORECASE	Perform case-insensitive matching

re.M | re.MULTILINE		^ matches the pattern at beginning of the string and each newline’s beginning (
               			$ matches pattern at the end of the string and the end of each new line (

re.S | re.DOTALL		Without this flag, DOT(.) will match anything except a newline

re.X | re.VERBOSE 		Allow comment in the regex

re.L | re.LOCALE		Perform case-insensitive matching dependent on the current locale. Use only with bytes patterns

python regex flags

import re

target_str = "Joy lucky number is 75
Tom lucky number is 25"

# find 3-letter word at the start of each newline
# Without re.M or re.MULTILINE flag
result = re.findall(r"^w{3}", target_str)
# Output ['Joy']

# find 2-digit at the end of each newline
# Without re.M or re.MULTILINE flag
result = re.findall(r"d{2}$", target_str)
# Output ['25']

# With re.M or re.MULTILINE
# find 3-letter word at the start of each newline
result = re.findall(r"^w{3}", target_str, re.MULTILINE)
# Output ['Joy', 'Tom']

# With re.M
# find 2-digit number at the end of each newline
result = re.findall(r"d{2}$", target_str, re.M)
# Output ['75', '25']

Code Example
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Source link
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