

python shebang line

simply add: #!/usr/bin/env python3
  on the first line of your script
1 - #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 - print("Python is awesome")

Python3 shebang line

# This is the pyhton3 shebang line []


# A shebang line defines where the interpreter is located. In this case, the python3 interpreter is located in /usr/bin/python3. A shebang line could also be a bash, ruby, perl or any other scripting languages' interpreter, for example: #!/bin/bash.

# Without the shebang line, the operating system does not know it's a python script, even if you set the execution flag (chmod +x on the script and run it like ./ To make the script run by default in python3, either invoke it as python3 or set the shebang line.

# You can use #!/usr/bin/env python3 for portability across different systems in case they have the language interpreter installed in different locations.

shebang line python

That is called the shebang line. As the Wikipedia entry explains:

In computing, a shebang (also called a hashbang, hashpling, pound bang, or crunchbang) refers to the characters "#!" when they are the first two characters in an interpreter directive as the first line of a text file. In a Unix-like operating system, the program loader takes the presence of these two characters as an indication that the file is a script, and tries to execute that script using the interpreter specified by the rest of the first line in the file.

See also the Unix FAQ entry.

Even on Windows, where the shebang line does not determine the interpreter to be run, you can pass options to the interpreter by specifying them on the shebang line. I find it useful to keep a generic shebang line in one-off scripts (such as the ones I write when answering questions on SO), so I can quickly test them on both Windows and ArchLinux.

The env utility allows you to invoke a command on the path:

The first remaining argument specifies the program name to invoke; it is searched for according to the PATH environment variable. Any remaining arguments are passed as arguments to that program.

Code Example
Python :: change the current working directory in python 
Python :: tkinter entry default value 
Python :: counter in django template 
Python :: numpy compare arrays 
Python :: print random string from list python 
Python :: from string to time python dataframe 
Python :: How to generate the power set of a given set, in Python? 
Python :: time decorator python 
Python :: seaborn axis limits 
Python :: how to multiply in django template 
Python :: python delete all files in directory 
Python :: matplotlib label axis 
Python :: python - give a name to index column 
Python :: python convert number to base 
Python :: change directory in python os 
Python :: pyspark distinct select 
Python :: how to generate a random number python 
Python :: mute 
Python :: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. 
Python :: filter by row contains pandas 
Python :: pandas remove time from datetime 
Python :: pandas count specific value in column 
Python :: python pi value 
Python :: python selenium move cursor to element 
Python :: only keep few key value from dict 
Python :: how to add list item to text file python 
Python :: log base 2 python 
Python :: update my anaconda 
Python :: random forest python 
Python :: print pandas version 
Source link
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