

get a slice of string in python

string = "something"

slice = string[0:3] # will be "som"
slice = string[0:-3] # will be "someth"
slice = string[3:] # will be "thing"
slice = string[:3] # same as first slice
slice = string[::2] # will be "smtig" -- it goes 2 step each time

slicing string in python

b = "Hello, World!"

#it will print llo

slicing string in python

# The first number starts counting from '0'
# Always remember that second number in the square bracket says
# "up to but not including"
s = 'Monty Python'
print(s[0:4])   # Output: Mont
print(s[6:7])   # Output: P
print(s[6:20])  # It doesn't give a Traceback eventhough there are no 19 letters
# Output: Python
# If don't demarcate the first or second number it will go till the start or end accordingly
print(s[:2])	# Output: Mo
print(s[8:])	# Output: thon
print(s[:])		# Output: Monty Python

python string slicing

my_string = "Hey, This is a sample text"
print(my_string[2:]) #prints y, This is a sample text
print(my_string[2:7]) #prints y, Th excluding the last index
print(my_string[2::2]) #prints y hsi  apetx
print(my_string[::-1]) #reverses the string => txet elpmas a si sihT ,yeH

Slicing of Strings in python

>>> x = "Follow us on"
>>> x[0:6]
>>> x[-18:-4]
'us on Softhunt'

string slicing python

arr[start:stop]         # items start through stop-1
arr[start:]             # items start through the rest of the array
arr[:stop]              # items from the beginning through stop-1
arr[:]                  # a copy of the whole array
arr[start:stop:step]    # start through not past stop, by step

python string: indexing and slicing string

# Мөр нь тэмдэгтүүдийн жагсаалт тул жагсаалтын адил тэмдэглэгээг ашиглан Python мөрүүдийг индексжүүлж болно. 
# Ганц тэмдэгтэд хаалт тэмдэглэгээгээр хандах боломжтой ([индекс]), эсвэл зүсэх ([эхлэл: төгсгөл]) ашиглан дэд мөрт хандах боломжтой. 
# Сөрөг тоогоор индексжүүлэх нь мөрийн төгсгөлөөс эхлэн тооцогдоно.

str = 'yellow'
str[1]     # => 'e'
str[-1]    # => 'w'
str[4:6]   # => 'ow'
str[:4]    # => 'yell'
str[-3:]   # => 'low'

Code Example
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