

find sum of factors of a number python

def sumFactors(n):
    return sum(d for d in range(1, n) if n%d == 0)

python Sum of all the factors of a number

# Simple Python 3 program to
# find sum of all divisors of
# a natural number
import math 
# Function to calculate sum
# of all divisors of given
#  natural number
def divSum(n) :
    if(n == 1):
       return 1
    # Final result of summation
    # of divisors
    result = 0
    # find all divisors which
    # divides 'num'
    for i in range(2,(int)(math.sqrt(n))+1) :
        # if 'i' is divisor of 'n'
        if (n % i == 0) :
            # if both divisors are same
            # then add it only once
            # else add both
            if (i == (n/i)) :
                result = result + i
            else :
                result = result + (i + n//i)
    # Add 1 and n to result as above
    # loop considers proper divisors
    # greater than 1.
    return (result + n + 1)
# Driver program to run the case
n = 30
# This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.

Code Example
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Source link
4+8 =